Awesome Caramel Popcorn | Kids Recipe

Make Awesome Caramel Popcorn at Home for Movie Nights

Revamp the cinema classic by making caramel popcorn at home. Ditch the boring potato chip bags for some homemade caramel popcorn. Making caramel at home is a great way to bond with your kids while cooking as well. This homemade popcorn recipe is sure to create some soulful and delicious memories.

Recipe: Caramel Popcorn


1 bag – microwavable popcorn

2 ½ tbsp – butter

½ cup – sugar

2 tbsp – water

1 handful of peanuts.



Step 1:

Microwave the popcorn.

Step 2:

Mix sugar, water and butter in a non-stick pan on high heat. Keep stirring. Reduce the flame to medium once it starts to turn brown.

Step 3:

Once the mixture caramelizes, pour half over the popcorn and mix with a spoon. Put the remaining caramel on top of the popcorn and lightly mix.


Enjoy the bowl of homemade caramel popcorn with nuts with your loved ones. Your kids are surely going to consider you the superhero you are for changing boring popcorn into delicious homemade caramel popcorn with nuts.

Also Read: Homemade fruit trifle

Nutrition Value:

Ingredient Nutrition Value
Caramel Popcorn

Popcorn has whole grains, fibre and antioxidants which is good for the digestive system and overall health of the body.



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