Salami and Cheese Panini | Kids Recipe

A panini is a true snack time food. It’s delicious, crispy, grilled and (the best part) loaded with cheese. You can experiment with your salami panini ideas and combine any ingredients you like. Read more to find the best way to make a panini with salami.

My daughter came home from play hungry and irritated. There was still time for dinner time and making her wait seemed an impossible solution.

I put on my mommy cape and started searching for leftover food in the fridge. I used burger buns in Salami and Cheese Panini and it turned out well.

My daughter was happy and sane again!

Recipe: Salami and Cheese Panini


4 hamburger buns

8-10 – salami, thinly sliced

½ cup – mozzarella cheese

1.4 cup – melted butter or olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste


Step 1:

Cut the hamburger buns and place them, cut-side up, on the skillet.

Step 2:

Place salami and cheese on the bun and cover it with the other half of the bun.

Step 3:

Spread butter on the top side of the bun. Flatten it with a spatula or put it on the grill. Reserve the side after 2 minutes.

Step 4:

Take it off after the cheese has melted.

Note: You can serve it with mayo chilli sauce. Just add 1 tsp chilli sauce in 2 tsp of mayo and mix it.


This Salami and Cheese Panini recipe can be tweaked to add vegetables and different sauces as well. Salami and Cheese Panini is a convenient and healthy option when it comes to finger food or a healthy snack for kids.

The nutritional value of this salami and cheese recipe is:

No. Ingredients Nutritive Value for Children
1 Salami Chicken salami has the iron that helps protect your immune system and enables you to produce red blood cells. It also has vitamin B12 that helps in red blood cell production and boosts the health of your brain. Salami supplies tiny doses of calcium, potassium and vitamin D as well.
2 Mozzarella cheese

Approx 30 grams of mozzarella contains niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, biotin and vitamin B6. They are important to maintain healthy skin and vision and the formation of red blood cells. Mozzarella also contains fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D and E, which are important for bone growth, absorption of calcium and protection of cell membranes.
so good




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