Healthy Fruit Trifle | An English Dessert | Kids Recipe

Healthy Fruit Trifle is a modern twist on an 18th century English dessert. Traditionally, it was made with leftover sponge cake soaked in alcohol, jam, custard and cream. Today, there are several versions of it and all you need to do is just layer everything, chill and serve.

I create individual portions of my Healthy Fruit Trifle. Children seem to love the Healthy Fruit Trifle set as individual portions. They also save the bother of cutting and serving the trifle, which in turn prevents the layers from becoming a mess. Nonetheless, you can make the trifle in a large punch bowl if that is what you prefer. Irrespective of which serving option you choose, always ensure you use a transparent container that can show off the layers of the fruit trifle to perfection as they are, after all, the highlight of this rich, cold pudding!

So, let’s get started.

Healthy Fruit Trifle:


Seasonal fruits as much or as little you want (I use, based on season and availability, bananas, apple, oranges or any other citruses, chikoos, grapes, mango, berries of all types)

  • Vanilla flavoured custard powder 25 gms
  • Milk at room temperature 500ml
  • Granulated sugar 50 gms
  • Jelly (flavour as per preference) 1 packet
  • Vanilla sponge cake 1
  • Chilled fresh cream 200 ml
  • Powder sugar 50 gms or as per taste to sweeten fresh cream
  • Nuts 50 gms or more (optional; quantity as desired)


  1. Dissolve custard powder in half the milk.
  2. Heat the other half. Bring to a boil. Add sugar and dissolve.
  3. Add the custard powder mix to the hot milk and keep stirring till custard starts thickening. When custard coats back of the spoon, switch off the gas and allow it to cool.
  4. Cut all the fruits into bite-sized pieces. If using apples, I prefer to skin them and then, once cut, sprinkle some orange or lime juice on them to prevent discolouration.
  5. Slice cake into pieces of medium thickness.
  6. Make jelly by following the directions given on the packet. Let it cool.
  7. Put cake slices at the bottom of each serving bowl. You can put in as much as you like. You need to keep in mind that there will be several layers on top of this layer and hence, not to make the layer too thick.
  8. Put some fruit pieces on top of the cake.
  9. Pour custard powder on top of the fruit.
  10. Allow the custard to set. You can put the bowls in the refrigerator to speed up the process.
  11. Pour jelly mix on top of the custard and again, put bowls in refrigerator for jelly to set.
  12. Store bowls in the refrigerator till you are ready to serve.
  13. Just before serving, whip up the chilled fresh cream with the powder sugar to soft peak stage, put on top of jelly layer and sprinkle chopped nuts on top of it.

Note 1: You can increase or decrease layers as preferred.

Note 2: If made as per this recipe, each portion is quite wholesome and if being served as dessert to a child, make sure the main course is not too heavy.

Also read: Grilled apple peanut butter sandwich

Nutrient table:


Ingredients Nutritive Value
Sponge Cake Source of fats, oils and proteins and hence, energy giving
Custard Offers a small amount of calcium from the milk, fats and sugars that give energy
Fruits Contain antioxidants that boost immunity
Nuts Help in brain development
Fresh Cream Has fats that enhance the flavour



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